Upset the Applecart

Upset the Applecart

Art beyond carefully laid plans
Monday, September 14, 2015 to Friday, October 30, 2015

The idiom, to upset the applecart is said to have begun when the farmers in the late 1800s would cart fresh apples from the orchards, neatly stacked, to sell at a local market. When someone unaware of the delicate arrangement, knocks over the cart, and spoils the plan. Upset the Applecart corresponds with Nebraska City’s annual AppleJack Festival that celebrates local apple harvests with all-weekend festivities. Five Nebraska artists have been invited to examine the familiar, upset the applecart and present artworks that look beyond carefully laid plans. Often, best laid plans can go awry—which may often be the blossom leading to the the fruit of creativity. 

Exhibiting Artists: Launa Bacon, Charley Friedman, Nancy Friedemann-Sánchez, Pat Nelsen, Steve Snell
Curated by Elizabeth Stehling