Noah Pica

Art Discipline: 
Los Angeles, CA
United States
Dates of Residence: 
Oct 16, 2017 to Nov 10, 2017

Born and raised in Los Angeles, California, Noah Pica reimagines wardrobes through the lens of his younger self. Through his studies at Rhode Island School of Design, Noah fixated on the subversion of traditional masculine roles, viewing "menswear" as an opportunity to redefine and redress people within the context of masculinity. He has an eye for the quirky moments in life, and always incorporates silly color stories, witty silhouettes, and unassuming models. Noah has a knack for languages, and has studied abroad on two separate occasions -- spending one year in Verona, Italy and a semester in Utrecht, The Netherlands. Fascinated by the intersection between language, communication, and otherness, Noah uses language-learning as a way of understanding complex relationships. This led to the conceptual evolution of his more recent collection, #1DAD, where he used the archetypal relationship between fathers and sons as a guide in the development of the collection.